Overview of Drupal 9.4 Release

The Drupal 9.4 update, released on 15 June 2022, introduces several noteworthy changes, including a new Manage Permissions tab, dynamic determination of minimum PHP version requirements, and updates to the API. This version also sees a shift in default themes, moving from Bartik to Olivero for the frontend and from Seven to Claro for the administration theme. Additionally, numerous functions and libraries have been marked as deprecated.

Evaluating the Drupal 9.4 Upgrade

Upgrading to Drupal 9.4 is highly recommended, as it marks the end of security support for version 9.2.x. This latest version brings new improvements and functionalities, enhancing the overall Drupal experience.

Pre-Update Considerations for Drupal 9.4

Before updating to Drupal 9.4, it is critical to ensure that the current PHP version meets the minimum requirement of PHP 7.4, with PHP 8.1 being the recommended version. The minimum version is now determined by the \Drupal\Core\PhpRequirements::minimumSupportedPhp() method. Additionally, for applications transitioning from PHP 7^ to PHP 8^, modifications to the main .htaccess file may be necessary.

Notable Features in Drupal 9.4

Drupal 9.4 introduces the Manage Permissions tab, enhancing content type editing by providing a comprehensive view of related permissions. This tab can be added to any entity by including specific keys in its annotation. The update also includes a new section in the .htaccess file for PHP 8^ settings and a warning for database connections that do not support JSON, a requirement for Drupal 10.

Drupal 9.4: Theme and Administrative Changes

The update includes a default theme change to Olivero, which offers a modern design and full support for Drupal’s latest functionalities. The administrative theme has been updated to Claro, providing a clearer, more user-friendly interface.

Coding Standards and Deprecated Elements in Drupal 9.4

Drupal 9.4 adopts new coding standards, with ESLint now using eslint-config-airbnb-base. The Color module, HAL module, Quick Edit module, and Forum module have been marked as deprecated, with contrib versions available as alternatives. Additionally, the Coder update to version 8.3.15 ensures compatibility with Drupal 9.4.

Addressing Deprecated Functions and Libraries

To manage deprecated functions, the Upgrade Status contrib module is useful, listing deprecated functions in contrib and custom modules and themes. Libraries such as Modernizr.touchevents, Backbone, and Underscore are also deprecated and will be removed in Drupal 10.

Drupal 9.4 Release Summary

The latest Drupal 9.4 release continues the platform’s tradition of periodic improvements, offering enhancements and planning for future updates. The Drupal support team is available to assist with the update process, ensuring a smooth transition to this latest version.

Key Changes and Enhancements in Drupal 9.4

  • Manage Permissions Tab: A new tab in content type editing for easier permission management;
  • Minimum PHP Version Requirement: Dynamic determination using the \Drupal\Core\PhpRequirements::minimumSupportedPhp() method;
  • Theme Updates: Transition to Olivero as the default frontend theme and Claro for administration;
  • Coding Standards: Adoption of eslint-config-airbnb-base for JavaScript validation;
  • Deprecated Elements: Marking of specific modules and libraries as deprecated, with contrib versions available;
  • Deprecated Function Management: Utilization of the Upgrade Status contrib module for identifying and addressing deprecated functions;
  • Performance Monitoring: Introduction of the Laravel Debugbar package for performance tracking;
  • Integration with PHP 8^: New section in the .htaccess file for PHP 8^ settings.

These changes in Drupal 9.4 reflect the platform’s commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation to the latest web development standards.

Comparative Table: Key Updates in Drupal 9.4 vs Previous Versions

Feature/UpdateDrupal 9.4
Manage Permissions TabNewly introduced for enhanced permission management.
Minimum PHP Version RequirementDynamic determination using \Drupal\Core\PhpRequirements::minimumSupportedPhp().
Default Frontend ThemeOlivero, with modern design and functionality support.
Default Administrative ThemeClaro, offering a clearer and user-friendly interface.
Coding StandardsUse of eslint-config-airbnb-base for JavaScript validation.
Deprecated ElementsSeveral modules and libraries are marked as deprecated, with contrib versions available.
Deprecated Function ManagementUpgrade Status contrib module, recommended for managing deprecated functions.
Performance MonitoringLaravel Debugbar package for monitoring.
Integration with PHP 8^New .htaccess section for PHP 8^ settings.

PHP Laravel: Harnessing the Power of a Robust Framework

In this dedicated section, we delve into the capabilities and features of Laravel, a leading PHP framework, and its impact on web development. Laravel, renowned for its elegance and efficiency, provides an advanced solution for developing robust and scalable web applications using PHP.

Laravel stands out for its comprehensive ecosystem and a wide range of features that streamline the development process. At its core, Laravel leverages PHP’s versatility while providing additional tools and functionalities to enhance developer productivity and application performance.

One of Laravel’s key strengths is its elegant syntax and expressive coding style, which makes it highly readable and maintainable. This, combined with Laravel’s robust MVC architecture, ensures a clear separation of concerns, making applications more scalable and easier to manage.

Laravel’s ORM, Eloquent, is another standout feature, offering a simple yet powerful way to interact with databases. Eloquent’s active record implementation simplifies data manipulation and retrieval, making it a favorite among PHP developers for database-related operations.

Moreover, Laravel provides robust security features out-of-the-box, including protection against common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting. These security measures are essential for building secure web applications in today’s digital landscape.

Laravel also excels in providing an extensive array of tools for tasks such as routing, session management, caching, and authentication. These tools are designed to be intuitive and flexible, catering to the diverse needs of modern web applications.

In addition, Laravel’s vibrant ecosystem includes a rich set of packages, extensive documentation, and a supportive community. This ecosystem plays a vital role in supporting developers throughout the development lifecycle, from initial setup to deployment and maintenance.


The release of Drupal 9.4 marks a significant milestone in the platform’s evolution, introducing a range of updates that enhance its functionality, usability, and performance. The new Manage Permissions tab, dynamic determination of PHP version requirements, and theme changes to Olivero and Claro reflect Drupal’s commitment to modernizing its user interface and improving the developer experience.

Furthermore, the update’s emphasis on coding standards, with the adoption of eslint-config-airbnb-base, and the attention to deprecated elements demonstrate Drupal’s focus on maintaining robust, future-proof applications. The introduction of tools like the Upgrade Status contrib module and the Laravel Debugbar package further aids developers in optimizing and monitoring their applications’ performance.

Drupal 9.4’s advancements in integration with PHP 8^ and the focus on performance and security make it a compelling choice for developers and organizations looking to build high-quality web applications. As Drupal continues to evolve, embracing these updates will be crucial for leveraging the full potential of this powerful content management framework.